
Sunday 8 May 2022

Dear Mr Steve Can you please keep on organising thesefun run every single year thank you for the sausage roll that we got after the run.Thank you for the food parcels and the clothes and the school appreciates all that you do for us.Thank you for buying us sienior clothes and the equipments.we all love the work your doing and keep up the amazing work have a good day.From Tutei

Sunday 27 March 2022

I am still blogging …

I am still blogging … 

but I’ve moved.

Click here

to visit my new blog

and see the next stage of my learning journey.

Comments are closed here. Please comment on my new blog.

Thursday 3 June 2021

Monday 31 May 2021

force and motion.


force and motion is a thing to pull or push.A force means that it moves an object away from another object or together . motion is just movement needing to act upon it.pushing and pulling are example of forces that can things up slow things down. forces and motion make things move and stay still . for example  a man is pushing a box and pushing is the force . all a force ever does is change the motion or speed of the object it is applied.

This is autumn trees and they are colorful


Tuesday 25 May 2021

A lever works by reducing the amount of force needed to move and object. lever is a thing to carry heavy loads or rocks, and the reason why we teach people to understand science. lever is important, to use a lever is to get a peace of wood  like tringqul and long peace of wood and get a heavy load or something so impenetrable.

I like lever because it is cool. effort is to go down ,fulcrum to balance and load is to put the rock on it.

fiction is science  and helps you get lots of stuff in to your brain but one thing is that science will help

you do everything to help maths and writing. 

